Obelix Santa Gertrudis
Established in 1972 | 50 years in Namibia, for Namibia!
A lot has been said, written and proven about the crossbreeding potential of the Santa Gertrudis.
Whether with a Bos Indicus or Bos Taurus breed, the Santa delivers a perfect offspring which can be raised under extensive farming conditions. A small calf at birth for ease of calving, thereafter, growing rapidly to reach high weaning weights. 240 kg for heifers and 280 kg for oxen, are not rare in our commercial herd at weaning age between 7 to 8 months. This is attributed to the high milk value which we have anchored in our breed. Weaner oxen are bought for above average prices on commercial auctions because farmers know they will perform on the field or in the feedlot. The inherited uniform red color makes them also a sought after crossing with Bonsmara, Sussex and nowadays with the Boran Breed.
Oxen can be raised on the field and reach 500 kg + at about 30 – 36 months. The Santa can still give you a fat grade 2 off the field in late November. We experience that every year on our farm in central Namibia alongside the Etjo Mountain. The cows have excellent mothering abilities, and it is not uncommon form them to reach the age of 12 – 15 years.
Over the half century we have always imported stud bulls from South Africa to keep a versatile gene pool alive, both in the stud but also for the breed at large in Namibia. For this year’s milestone we have imported semen from Australia to (hopefully) distribute new bloodlines to the Namibian market. We follow the HerdMaster recording system, weigh the cattle at the prescribed intervals and scan the young animals to obtain the carcass traits. Therefore, you as the buyer can also rely on the figures which are printed in the catalogue.
Over the period of 3 generations, the Santa’s were always part of our farming activities. If they weren’t that tough, they wouldn’t have survived the hard climatic conditions of central west Namibia. We have successfully sold bulls to literally all corners of the country. From a farm adjacent to the Orange River in the south, to the Oshana Region in the north. From the communal areas in the west, to the border of Botswana in the east.
Visitors are always welcome at our farm to get an insight view of our breeding program, but also see the results of our commercial cattle herd.
WE look forward to meeting you.
Henner Wilckens and family

Bull sold to D.M. Burger t/a Redell Boerdery for N$ 106000.00