Waverley Brahman

Currently, we find far fewer cattle farmers in Namibia than a decade ago. As a result, the financial pressure is affecting us all and growing. The mere fact that product prices remain low, but input costs are rising, are familiar to all of us. The farming conditions on many Namibian farms are difficult thus only good planning and value addition will determine our continuance and ultimately, our survival.

We, at Waverley Brahman, make use of the following tools to add value to our herd:

We participate in the selected screening process annually (prescribed by our breeders’ association) to ensure that objective selection takes place. Only selected animals with the preferred traits for breeding are identified and used. All bulls that we present at our local Paresis Production Auction every year have passed the objective selection and inspection scoring, as well as the screening process.

We use BREEDPLAN as a genetic evaluation system in our herd. BREEDPLAN is an international beef cattle performance recording and evaluation scheme. We implemented this system to estimate the breeding value of our cattle for a range of economically important production traits.

Regular clinical examinations of our breeding herd as well as pregnancy assessments, assist in keeping the animals healthy and productive. In doing so, we use breeding seasons that make comparable groups larger for selection purposes and simplifies management.

Cows and heifers with little or no milk production are eliminated with their calves. Our Bulls used for breeding, are regularly replaced to improve structure, capacity, and genetic traits. Waverley Brahman Cattle Stud has been developed into an established stud with a unique identity through years of selection and value addition since 1991.

Daar is tans baie minder beesboere in Namibia as in ‘n dekade gelede. Die finansiele druk raak ons almal en word steeds groter. Produk pryse wat laag bly en inset kostes wat styg is aan ons almal bekend. Die boerdery omstandighede op baie plase is moeilik en slegs goeie beplanning en waarde toevoeging gaan ons voortbestaan bepaal. Ons gebruik die volgende hulpmiddels tot waarde toevoeging in ons kudde.

Ons neem jaarliks deel aan die deur ons telersverband voorgeskrewe keuring om te verseker dat objektiewe seleksie plaasvind. Alleenlik diere met die beter eienskappe vir teling word uitgeken en verder gebruik. Alle bulle wat ons jaarliks by ons lokale Paresis Produksieveiling aanbied, het deur objektiewe keuring sowel as die “screening” proses geslaag.

Ons gebruik Breedplan as genetiese evaluasiestelsel in ons kudde. Gereelde kliniese ondersoeke van ons teelkudde en dragtigheids ondersoeke help om die diere gesond en produktief te hou. Hierby gebruik ons teelseisoene wat vergelykbare groepe groter maak vir seleksie doelwitte en ook die bestuur te vereenvoudig. Koeie en verse met min of geen melk word saam met hul kalwers uitgeskort.

Teelbulle word gereeld vervang tot verbetering van struktuur, kapasiteit en genetiese eienskappe. Waverley Brahmane is tot ‘n gevestigde stoet met ‘n unieke identiteit ontwikkel vanwee jarelange seleksie en waardetoevoeging sedert 1991.

Contact us:

Cell: +264 81 129 041
Email: kreeng@iafrica.com.na

Our Cattle