Waldoring Charolais

Producing strong and good quality commercial cattle is never easy, but for Gobabis Farmer Waldo Lottering it is the superior weight gain attributes of the Charolais that makes the difference – and it’s a system that is most certainly paying its way. Waldo Lottering is a strong believer in the Charolais breed, having used it as a terminal sire on his herd for 16 years. The true inspiration came from his father, Frans Lottering, who started using Charolais Bulls since the early 80’s – producing weaners and oxen with exceptional weight quality. Therefore, growing up with both parents as intensive cattle farmers and national prize winners, Waldo was motivated to establish his own Charolais Stud together with his mother Ellie Lottering.

Over time, using the Charolais as a crossbreed has proven to produce a Charolais cross calf which is quick growing, early maturing and easily fleshed. Thus, making it one of the few commercial calves that has the chance of making profit for both the breeder and the finisher at the end of the day. In fact, this success story dates to the 60’s when grandfather Barend Christoffel Lottering already used Charolais for Artificial Insemination.

In Waldo’s experience the Charolais has demonstrated growth ability, efficient feedlot gains and in carcass cut-out values. With their excellent meat conformation, they are evidently well suited for a high finished weight. Therefore, the Lottering Family has proven that they are well suited to all purpose cross breeding.

Other statistics on the Charolais include:

  • Charolais are good for growth and uniformity
  • They have superior natural liveweight gain for age
  • Tremendous muscling and conformity
  • Easy to manage in terms of temperament
  • Ease of calving
  • The ability to fit into any system – grass based or intensive
  • Charolais delivers a distinct colour code, Charolais cross calves have dominant colour markings which provides a guarantee of their parentage
In terms of Charolais Bulls, Waldoring Charolais has produced bulls which are noted for muscling, with excellent loins, good hindquarters and deep second thighs – making them the leading terminal beef sires. Waldoring Charolais can be seen yearly on leading Bull Auctions in Namibia.

Contact us:

Waldo Lottering
Tel: +264 62 571 527
Cell: +264 81 320 4060
PO BOX 473, Gobabis

Bull sold to Mudge Cat (Pty) ltd for N$ 150 000.00
Bull sold to Makuke Makuke for N$ 130 000.00
Bull sold to Makuke Makuke for N$ 120 000.00
Bull sold to to Mudge Cat (Pty) Ltd for N$ 107 000.00
Our Cattle